Installing Ubuntu - 12.04 -> 14.04

Posted on Jul 22, 2022


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There are two supported versions of Linux you can install on the DE1. The first coming from Terasic, and the other from the Intel University Program (Intel UP).

  1. Terasic Ubuntu 16.04: This image assumes that there is a VGA subsystem present on the FPGA and so requires a VGA monitor when setting it up. This can be problem if you want to get up and running quickly and don’t have a monitor.

  2. Intel UP Ubuntu 12.04: This image makes use of the built in UART to USB chip on the HPS and starts a new shell after the kernel has finished booting. It doesn’t use the VGA Subsystem by default. This makes it way easier to get up and running quickly. For this reason, I chose to use the Intel image.

The remote repositories for 12.04 are no longer online, so upgrading the distro to 14.04 (trusty) is usually the first thing I do.

Installing 12.04 is relatively simple. Download the image from Intel from here and follow the installation instructions from Intel here.

N.B: Intel serves all of their FPGA material through an FTP server ( which I find easier to navigate than their website.

Once Ubuntu is running and connected to the internet, you can update the sources.list file so that it points to the trusty repositories.

# replace "precise" with "trusty"
$ sed -i 's/precise/trusty/g' /etc/apt/sources.list 

# replace 1st occurrence of "ports" with "old-releases.ports"
$ sed -i 's/ports/old-releases.ports/1' /etc/apt/sources.list

The first line of sources.list should now look like:

deb trusty main ...

At this point, it should be ready to upgrade. I’ve had problems running apt-get dist-upgrade in the past as it usually wants to remove some packages (which causes instability down the line), so I decided to just run a regular upgrade.

$ apt-get -f upgrade 

This shouldn’t remove any packages and will upgrade most packages to their trusty versions.

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